
Check-in or check-in for an airplane flight

Check-in or registration for a flight is the first term that greets you if you are traveling by plane for the first time. It is a procedure in which, upon arrival at the airport, the passenger hands over baggage that is not hand luggage, that is, that is not allowed to be brought into the plane personally. After that, the passenger receives a boarding card. If you are able, it is a good idea to check-in or apply for a flight online because it allows you to arrive at the airport later. It should be noted here that the flight registration confirmation is not a ticket for boarding the plane. If you only received a confirmation by email and not a ticket, you should physically report to the check-in counter with that confirmation. One more important point should be kept in mind. You must arrive at the airport two hours early. If you go with your car, you must reserve a parking space in advance. It is best to choose the nearest parking lot , because of the time of the train to the main terminal.

Check-in counters

At the check-in or flight check-in counters, you can get all the necessary information related to the departure of your plane.  Additional information can be found on the info boards located nearby. After arriving at the check-in counter, you should hand over your passport and the reservation number of your airline ticket, i.e. its code. You can print a version of the airline ticket if you are able to do so. After that, you hand in your luggage, which will be weighed and forwarded to the designated area. Then you get your boarding pass. After this part of the procedure and when you have received your ticket, you proceed to the appropriate boarding gate where you will pass through the control. During the security check, each passenger must place items such as keys, phones, belts, electrical equipment, as well as coats, jackets and scarves, in secured boxes on the conveyor belt. Then you wait for the boarding time shown on the boarding pass. Airport staff will notify you in good time when boarding is permitted.

Self-service flight check-in counters

At most international airports, you can find self-service counters where you can check-in or register for a flight. You can check in there yourself with the help of a check-in machine and avoid crowds and standing in line. On the airport’s website you can find the exact locations of these counters for check-in or flight registration with a detailed explanation of how these same counters are used. Usually, the process starts with entering the ticket information and the reservation code. In some cases you will be allowed to choose your seat. When this is not possible, you will be assigned a seat automatically. After that, you get a boarding pass, which you can print from the counter and take with you by pressing a button. You will not be able to board without it. You should pay special attention, because at some airports check-in at counters of this type is only allowed for passengers traveling with hand luggage. Large airports also have self-service baggage counters where you check in your baggage, weigh it, take a sticker, glue it and hand it over to the baggage claim counter. The time for online flight check-ins depends on the airline. The use of self-service counters is free.

Problems checking in for a flight

If you can’t check in for a flight online, check that you haven’t received a new flight schedule and a new check-in link. If you are checking in a large group of passengers, do not check in more than a few people at the same time. When you are registering too many passengers, the system may log you out while you are entering data. This is a way to protect your data. Some airlines allow you to change the date of the flight or the name of the passenger after check-in. This is charged additionally, according to the precisely determined price list of those carriers. Of course, there is also a period of time when these changes are possible and allowed.